Blog What I think

MJ’s childhood home. I understand why he wanted out of Gary, IN. #michaeljackson #garyindiana #thenashvilletraveler

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One of FLW’s best. The Robie House. #robiehousechicago #franklloydwright #chicagoarchitecture #thenashvilletraveler

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Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes. A beautiful reminder we all need a few quiet moments in our day. #virginmary #grottoofourladyoflourdes #notredame #thenashvilletraveler #rememberingrocco

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The Golden Dome on the Main Building at Notre Dame. Great campus. #notredame #mainbuilding #thenashvilletraveler

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Ummmm tenderloin sandwich at the Mug n Bun. #indy #mugnbun #tenderloinsandwich #oldschooldrivein #thenashvilletraveler

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Happy 4th to everyone, from Mia and Lyn. #4thofjuly #america #mia #thenashvilletraveler #pooltime #italiangreyhound #nashville

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Holy sh...t. My new favorite restaurant. Hemingway’s Bar & Hideaway. Maybe the best thing I’ve had this year...definitely the best pork chop ever.  #hemingwaysbarandhideaway #porkchop #thenashvilletraveler #stevemaqueendrink #nashvillegem #newfavoriterestaurant

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Ran into George Jones last night at the game! #nashvillesounds #theraceison #nashvillehonkytonks #georgejones #baseballsummernights

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My ten year old self is busting! 50th anniversary of Hot Wheels! #hotwheels #nashville #charlottewalmart #thenashvilletraveler #hotwheels50thanniversary

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Sazerac kind of and spicy. #saltine #tgif #nashvillecmaweek #thenashvilletraveler #sazerac

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