Blog What I think

No more photos...please. #mia #sleepy #rainydayblues #ig #italiangreyhound

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Great new view of Nashville....with delicious food as a bonus. #bourbonsteak #michealmina #jwmarriott #thenashvilletraveler #delmonicosteak #grilledshrimp #43rdfloor #nashvilleskyline

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Belle Meade Cold Fashioned! Got to love the Music City Food and Wine Festival. So good on my lips...!!!! #bellemeadebourbon #coldfashioned #thenashvilletraveler  #musiccityfoodandwinefestival

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Mia getting a tan with her babies. #mia #ig #italiangreyhound #sunin

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Rest In Peace, Burt. You will always be my hero...The Bandit. Best movie ever made! @ripburtreynolds #smokeyandthebandit #heavyheart

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March of the ducks...#peabodyhotel #ducks #memphis #marchoftheducks #thenashvilletraveler

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Hanging with the girls at the Peabody.  #peabodyducks #peabidy #memphis #thenashvilletraveler

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Nada....Nashville’s best tacos and queso.....and Brazilian Mule! #nadanashville #queso #mule #thenashvilletraveler

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Those eyes....Mia the mind reader. #mia #ig #iggy #hugyourdogtoday

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More Mies.  Thank you Prof. Shell. #miesvanderrohe #fransworthhouse #mies #Drfransworth #barcelonachairs #thenashvilletraveler #plano #masterpiece

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