Blog What I think

Beautiful Saturday in America!

2022 0

Having lunch at the Treylor Park. #Savannah #TGIF #treylorpark #montecarlo

1909 0

One last stop in LA......Randy's Donuts. Not quite as inspiring as a Giant Sequoia but a landmark none the less.  Thanks LA!

1946 0

Blessed day when you spend it with the first and third largest living things on the planet. General Grant #giantsequoia

1940 0

The Tennessee Tree #giantsequoia

2071 0

Greene and Greene Gamble House.  #gamblehouse #greeneandgreene

1614 0

Beautifully classic Pasadena City Hall. #pasadena

1587 0

Getty water feature. #gettyinspired

1589 0

Richard Meier's Getty. #richardmeier

1741 0

Iris's #VanGogh

1712 0