Blog What I think

Skip the mall! Breath some beautiful Tennessee air. Happy Thanksgiving  everyone....

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Great new hotel option if you are in the Cincinnati area.

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Homecoming 2016!

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School of Architecture. Those were the days!

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My old stomping grounds....Go Big Orange! #VFL

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A must visit if you are in Savannah. The Grey. Perfectly restored Art Deco Greyhound bus station turned, one of the best restaurants I've ever visited. Art Deco, greyhounds and snicker doodle ice cream .....what could be better?! #thegreysavannah

2017 0

"Life is like a box of chocolates" Forrest....Forrest Gump. #youneverknow what you are going to get. Bench scene filmed in Chippewa Square.

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The Mercer Williams House for you fans of the book......Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.

2018 0

Owens Thomas House #greekrevival

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Oh Savannah the details.....

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