Blog What I think

One week to Christmas! Time to make your list and check it twice. #christmas2016

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Merry Christmas and Joy to the World!#jthodges #citywinery

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Le Sel. The best French bistro in Nashville.#gnoochi #steakfrites #LeSel

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U.U.S Arizona Memorial. 2,335 military personal lost their lives 75 years ago today defending us. Lets come together whether you are on the right or left we are all Americans. #75anniversarypearlharbor #America

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75th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor attack. I was lucky enough to visit the memorial earlier this year. The sight and sound of the US flag flying over the water at Pearl make me proud to be an American. #thegreatestgeneration Thank a veteran today.

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To the memory of the gallant men who gave their lives in action on December 7, 1941 on the U.U.S. Arizona. #75thanniversarypearlharbor #treeoflife #neverforget

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Can't get enough of Sotto! Italy only a lot closer.

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The best scrambled eggs and Belgian waffle in Nashville. #lepeep #scrambledeggs

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It's raining outside....a great day to just lay in bed! #mia

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#nudies  Kick ass new honky tonk in Nashville. Architectural Masterpiece!

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